For children in 1st grade through High School.
It is a two year program in which they will receive the sacrament of Reconciliation and First Communion. Parents are required to attend Parent Formation Sessions throughout the school year. 1st Year: Preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation or First Confession– English and Spanish (child must be 7 years of age) During the Saturday Religious Education and Confirmation Jr. High & High School Programs, parents receive the First Reconciliation book and materials to help the child learn prayers, Bible stories, 10 Commandments and the traditions of receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation or First Confession prior to receiving First Communion. Multiple opportunities will be available for your child to receive this sacrament. Children in first grade are encouraged to receive the sacrament when they turn 7 years old or when parents and Director determine readiness. 2nd Year: Preparation for the Sacrament of First Communion – English and Spanish Parents are the first and best teachers of our children. Sacramental preparation is a shared responsibility with parents and the child in the home with sacramental books and materials provided by the Director, and the catechists with the child in our Religious Education programs. Sacramental preparation is a two year process in accordance with Archdiocesan policy. Parents also attend adult enrichment sessions and parent meetings to help resource and guide parents in the preparation. During the Saturday Religious Education and Confirmation Jr. High & High School Programs, parents receive the First Eucharist book and materials to help the child learn prayers, Mass responses & prayers, Bible stories and traditions of receiving the Sacrament of Eucharist or First Communion. Parents and students will have mandatory rehearsal prior to the celebration of this sacrament. |
If you have more questions, please call us at 847-882-7584 or e-mail us.