Confirmation Forms
DUE DATE: November 2023
Please read steps below, follow the instructions, make Saint Report and then complete the form online.
1- Read the instructions HERE. 2- Choose a patron saint for your Confirmation. 3- Type your Saint Report using Google Docs with the format below. Google Docs: English Spanish (In Menu click File - "Make a Copy" and complete) 4- Copy the "Public Shared Link" from your Google Docs report and add it to the Confirmation Form (scroll down).
6- Your catechist will be checking your report and adding notes. You will be able to view these notes on your report. 7- Make corrections promptly, if needed. |
1- Lee las instrucciones AQUI. 2- Escoge un santo patrono para tu Confirmación. 3- Haz Reporte del Santo con Google Docs usando el formato de abajo. Google Docs: Ingles Español (En Menu, clic "File" - "Make a Copy" Haz una copia en Google docs y contesta las preguntas.) 4- Copia el enlace "Public Shared Link" de tu reporte de Google Docs y ponlo en la forma de Confirmación.
6- Tu Catequista va a verificar tu reporte y le pondrá notas. Tu podrás ver en tu reporte estas notas. 7- Haz las correcciones rápidamente, si es necesario. |
Please click the name of your catechist and fill out the form.
Mr. Bob Puoci (Tuesday)
Mr. Steve Zeier (Tuesday)
Mr. & Mrs. Salgado (Wednesday)
Mr. Eduardo Vazquez & Ms. Guadalupe Garcia (Wednesday)
Ms. Diane Musillo, Ms. Becky Zimmerman, Mr. Tom Sciortino (Sunday)
Mr. Ricardo Martinez (Sunday)
Please click the name of your catechist and fill out the form.
Mr. Bob Puoci (Tuesday)
Mr. Steve Zeier (Tuesday)
Mr. & Mrs. Salgado (Wednesday)
Mr. Eduardo Vazquez & Ms. Guadalupe Garcia (Wednesday)
Ms. Diane Musillo, Ms. Becky Zimmerman, Mr. Tom Sciortino (Sunday)
Mr. Ricardo Martinez (Sunday)