Registration for Returning Families 2023-2024 is closed.
* You will receive an email with a copy of your answers.
If you do not get it, your registration is not complete. You need to go back to complete it and submit it.
Va a recibir una copia de sus respuestas por email. Si no la recibe, su registro no esta completo. Necesita regresar para completarlo y enviarlo.
If you do not get it, your registration is not complete. You need to go back to complete it and submit it.
Va a recibir una copia de sus respuestas por email. Si no la recibe, su registro no esta completo. Necesita regresar para completarlo y enviarlo.
The RE Program will start after Labor Day. You will receive the dates via email at the end of August.
RE Programs 2023-2024
(New students only) CATECHESIS (New) Grades 1 and 2. English: Saturday 9:00am-11:00am Spanish: Sunday 9:30am-11:30am (Please note: New students will not receive First Communion in this program, only RCIC students will be baptized at the end of the first year of formation, if applies.) |
FIRST EUCHARIST Grades 3-11 (New) 2-year program. English: Saturday 9:00-11:00am Spanish: Sunday 9:30am-11:30am Grade 12 (new students) RCIA Program. Please contact Sr. Marianne at 847-882-7580 |
CONFIRMATION Requirement: Have already received First Communion. Grades 3-11 (New) 2-year program. Once a week. Tuesday 6:30-8:30pm Wednesday 6:30-8:30pm Spanish Thursday 6:30-8:30pm English Confirmation year 2 fee: +$50 per student. Grade 12 (new students) RCIA Program. Please contact Sr. Marianne at 847-882-7580 |
BAPTISM RCIC Grades 1-11 1-year program. (New) Student will be baptized at the end of first year of formation. Grades 1-11 English: Saturday 9:00-11:00am Spanish: Sunday 9:30am-11:30am Grade 12 (new students) RCIA Program. Please contact Sr. Marianne at 847-882-7580 |
Annual Tuition & Fees for Returning Students
$220 for 1 child per year $320 for 2 siblings per year $420 for 3 or more siblings per year Confirmation Fee Tuition +$50 Sacramental Fee per child in their second year of formation. Tuition and Registration is due yearly. |
- Complete registration form online. - Make full payment online - Or pay minimum half of the tuition at the time of registration **. (**Please set up 1-3 automatic credit card payments during the summer months. Last payment due September 15th.) - Copy Transaction ID and go back to the registration form and enter it. Or we can take your payment over the phone at 847-882-7584. - You do NOT need to email us the Baptismal or First Communion Certificate if your child has ben with us in the past. |
1) PAYMENT: Transaction ID of tuition payment will be requested at the end of the registration form. Copy Transaction ID, go back to the registration, and include it at the end. We can take it over the phone too at 847-882-7584. 2) CERTIFICATES OF BAPTISM AND FIRST COMMUNION (or Birth Certificate if NOT baptized yet). Returning Students do NOT need to send them again. NEW students: (if applies) send them via email. 3) REGISTRATION: This form may only be filled out by a parent/legal guardian. Please use only ONE form per family; DO NOT combine 2 families in one registration. 4) CLASS: We will email you the details of the program when we get close to the start of the RE school year. |
1) PAGO: El número de transacción del pago de la cuota se solicitará al final del formulario de registro. Copie la número de transacción, regrese a la forma y póngalo al final. Si necesita ayuda, lo podemos tomar por telefono 847-882-7584. 2) CERTIFICADOS DE BAUTISMO Y PRIMERA COMUNIÓN (o Certificado de Nacimiento si NO ha sido bautizado aún). Estudiantes que Regresan a Educación Religiosa NO necesitan enviarlo nuevamente. NUEVOS estudiantes: (si aplica) envielos por email. Subject: Nombre de estudiante. 3) REGISTRO: Este formulario solo puede ser llenado por un padre / tutor legal. Utilice solo UN formulario por familia; NO combine 2 familias en un registro. 4) CLASE: Le enviaremos un correo electrónico con los detalles del programa cuando estemos cerca del inicio de clases. |
If you have any questions, please call the Religious Education Office (847) 882-7584 or email us at [email protected]